Saturday, June 9, 2018

Political Parties and supporters " Hands Off Please ".

Do not infringe upon the basic human and civil rights of an individual civil servant. Lately such basic rights of civil servants have been objected to for narrow Party Political  gains.

Bhutanese democracy system is limitted democracy in that there are so much limitations imposed and so many rules set to discourage citizens from joining political process. And now those already in political field do not want fair  competition. So such political Parties are calling for rules to impose further restrictions to prevent other civil servants  availing the democracy induced openings that they themselves had availed to enter politics. Such restriction  is a start for creating another social class of elites and patrons. Beware fellow commoners.          

Why should civil servants have cooling off periods to join Politics when MPs of apolitical body the National Council do not have cooling off periods to join Party Politics?

Why should civil servants have cooling off periods when a candidate of one Political Party in the Primary Election can became candidate of another Political Party in the General Election without any cooling off period ?

Why should not  present civil servants aspire to be MPs and Ministers who are so highly paid? Why should they be subjected to cooling off periods when others before them had it another way?

Few years back there was such kind of cooling off talks by RCSC. I did not see any sense in such proposal then and still think it is a dumb suggestion.

Civil service is pyramid shaped organisation like most others. As one climbs up the ladder, the space gets narrower. So one must look out for other avenues like corporations, international agencies or private enterprises.

And since the introduction of democracy in 2008, political field has given a much wider opportunity for civil servants and all others including those who could not make it under set criterias. It is an equal opportunity for all Bhutanese graduates. You need no lifts from elites and no endorsement from patrons. Its all between you and voters. Keep it that way.

Now the field is far wider. The opportunity to become an MP or a Minister is there for commoners. . And do not screw it up by short sighted call to restrict civil servants from entering politics. This time it may be cooling off periods for civil servants and next maybe corporate employees  followed by other restrictions on race, caste and religion. And so on untill we are back to square one. Only those chosen by elites and Patrons. Remember it was civil service and development tasks that opened up doors of opportunities for the commoners. And democracy politics have widened that door far wider for commoners to have a say in the direction of the nation. Keep it that way.        

Bhutanese Political Parties were formed by civil servants in 2008. After resigning from civil service ofcourse. Democracy can be given due strengh and enrichment only by individuals who have capabilities of leadership and who have passed tests of competence. Civil service have such a pool of groomed individuals. Democracy cannot be translated into the rights of the common people by those "follow the herd " mentality. And by those with elite and patron attitudes only. Just because you are already in the political heirachy, do not fence it. In future, your own offsprings may not be able to climb over the barrier that you have built today to protect your turf. Democracy is a gift of opportunity to all citizens. Its like free education. Keep it that way. 

1 comment:

  1. If I have understood correctly, Cooling period is not on hopping from civil service to politics but from Politics to join civil service and corporations.
