Monday, September 17, 2018

Why BKP had such miserable vote number?

1. Party Presidential debate live on BBS TV with few days into election campaign. And there was Dasho Neten the President of BKP giggling or laughing away and talking about corruption and fears within the nation that her behaviour gave not a damn. Corruption and social fears is  not a laughing matter.

2. At Wangdue Phodrong Dzongkhag the VP of BKP Mr. Sonam Tobgay the familar  face and ofcourse the founder of BKP was going through an election campaign in the spirit of Officer' Mess or Gentlemen Club style. If he had no stomach to fight it out in the open why did he invite others to join a war that the President and Vice President were  un- willing to battle for ?

3. The same lacklustre attitude reigned down the Partyline. One candidate found it inconvenient to trek through the monsoon rain blocked motor road and therefore asked to be excused from common forum meet.  And another candidate who is supposed to be committed to public service than personal family service could not attend the common forum due to death of a family member. Now I am not being unsympathetic to their personal woes. But leadership calls for more preparation, determination and personal sacrifice.

Dasho Neten should have come prepared for the big fight. Instead she was a nervous wreck at the Presidential debate forum. And VP Sonam Tobgay should have gone all out instead he was on a appeasement trip of public relationship.

All such lacklustre attitudes convinced me that success for BKP was achieving 10% share of vote share. Thus I wrote " hope BKP gets 10% of vote share ".

Sure there is some benefit of limelight in the public arena for party functionaries. But this certainly is no way for a Political Party to behave if it is seeking a role at national.level.

4. 28, 473 votes garnered by 47 candidates translates to around 605 per candidate. And almost 300000 voted. I think BKP leaders should not be talking of rising again. Instead BKP leaders should first apologize to the nation for wasting everyone's time. And then maybe dream of 2023.  


  1. Wancha, I don’t think Aum Neten needs you to tell her “Corruption and social fears are not a laughing matter”. This is a woman who has track record of being a very effective anti corruption leader. She has made many personal enemies fighting corruption even among the upper echelons of Bhutanese society. The fact that Bhutan currently ranks very favorably in Transparency International ‘s corruption ranking is in no small part to her hard work and effort. Unfortunately, even a supposedly well informed educated knowledgeable person such as yourself couldn’t look past a few minor media performances. Do you think we can expect anything from the average Bhutanese who isn’t as informed, educated or wants to really take the time to analyze the issues and do what’s best for themselves and the country?
    While I have always liked and supported your analysis of India Bhutan relations and your effort to educate people on what’s really going, you seem to have a tendency to be quite arrogant and prone to hubris. That arrogance is in full display here in the is article where you state that BKP shouldn’t run because of the numbers of vote they and that they “should apologize to the nation”. Everyone starts small, when you are building grassroots organization and don’t have everything just handed to you. I am not sure where the reasoning that just because BKP didn’t get enough the shouldn’t run again and instead apologize to the nation comes from. There is absolutely no logic in that line of thinking.
    I’d be very interested to see if you have the courage to post this response for all to read. I know for all your bravado and posturing and pontificating on what other’s should do or not do, you don’t seem to have the confidence to handle points of view that are different from you.

  2. Ugyen Namgyel all your grievances does not excuse the confused behaviour of Dasho Neten at the Presidential debate. I expected better. You seem to be attached to her so ask her how she introspects herself at that forum. And do not be an idiot lamenting your status. Rather work hard like others. Be prepared to labour honestly. Then you will know the truth of being handed over as a gift.

    You thought if you dared I would publish your comment otherwise I would not because you had different views. For your education, I welcome differing views. I just do not publish foul language. Yours is alright in language. I delayed to publish your comment so that you would have time to reflect wiser with passing time.
