Thursday, March 21, 2019

Paro Tsechu Thongdrel

I heard of it long, long before the opportunity came by to get a live audience of the huge Throngdrel. Today as I witnessed  the Thongdrel being  taken down ( courtesy Parop patrons  of BBS Tv who made it possible ) and as Guru image submerged gradually below the line of  spectators and worshippers, there comes a sense of nostalgic wonderment of life, living and dying. May Great Guru the Second Buddha Bless humanity and protect the world from dangers of envy and destruction.

On a lighter note of life, living and dying, I find that both Guru and Lam Drukpa Kuenlay freely enjoyed life. And whilst Guru did not experience birth or death, the Lam did not favour death. However, neither the Great Guru nor  the Great Lam preached against sex and meat. How would have the race of mankind  survived but for sex and meat?  Sex is the union binding ( gaa-tse ) of lovers and meat which is also nourishing is cheaper than good quality fruits and vegetables which too are declared good for health. But fact is that  meat, fruits, vegetables do not prevent both contagious and non- contagious diseases. And none are essential for enlightment.

The essence of good health depends mainly upon  gifts of the womb and one's discipline in moderation of alcohol, tobacco, free from drugs and observing healthy sex habits.  Neither meat or fruits nor vegetables can harm nor gurantee good health.

I speak from 68 years of life experience. No daily walks, no scheduled sports or gym visits and never regimented diet or daily routine. When you were tasked with raising 8 children and looking after several extended families welfare, regulated routines and diets are far from one's life style. Life was busy and fruitful in the past. And the present is more relaxed and I enjoy it more being free of mundane rules of diet or discipline except what have been now natuarally engrained.

Do what must be done for welfare of families, state where possible what  need to be stated for good of the society and live life as free as possible in the way you were born. Be pious in spirit and responsible in deed. Rest do not bother because there are enough external botherations in life without one self adding upon it.

Good day and happy life. Enjoy your meals and bother not with other's diet. In the end the body will burn on pyre or decay 6ft under earth regardless of who you were or what you ate.

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