Friday, October 5, 2018

Vote as a Bhutanese. Never in fear or favour or as surrogates of other nations.

If you feel purely a Bhutanese not just being born a Bhutanese or accorded a  citizenship, please love Bhutan for herself. Forgo the agony of regionalism, caste and race for one nation one people one King. When you choose DNT or DPT candidates in this 2018 General election, please base your choice purely on your feelings for the candidates or your preference for a particular Party. Never brand a fellow Bhutanese disloyal. Vote freely and forget   fear or favour of India or China. Be a Bhutanese at depth. 

For me the choice of Political Parties is over with Primary Election. Its now selection of candidates. I have no doubts about the loyalties and dedication of all candidates of the two Political Parties to the Tsawa Sum. So its a matter of abilities and experiences and a little bit of favouritism among similar capable candidates. 

I was wary of the gift of democracy and had expressed my reservation. Were all stakeholders ready for what true democracy entails I had thought aloud.  I also pointed out the merit and demerit of two Party final round election system  including the real possibility of denying the first choice of representation to a substantial section of Bhutanese population. And the scenario of the rise of one major Political Party as in 2008. This year we now realise that 1/3 of  Bhutanese populace majority of which are the voiceless rural population are denied their original and so the true choice of parliamentary representation. We practise in essence many aspects of limitted democracy system.  But final round two Party system must be honoured as long as it stays enshrined and not outcast from the constitution.

I have never questioned and never doubted the elected Political Party's legitimacy and mandate to govern the Bhutanese nation. I thank India for stating aloud her intent to respect the will of the Bhutanese people in this 2018 general election.  On my own part, I have as a   Bhutanese citizen held in full due respects the authority of  the  elected individuals in the constitutional posts of the Prime Minister, the Speaker, the Chairperson, the Opposition Leader, the Cabinet Minister and that of MP. They themselves would bear testimony to my deference.

I will always respect and remember the truely  dedicated visionary  Prime Minister Honourable Jigme Palden Dorji  and all Lyonpos under the reigns of Their Majesties the Third and Fourth Kings and I thank all democratic governnents' cabinet members especially Their Excellencies   Prime Ministers JYT and TT under the reign of present King for their sevices to Tsawa Sum.    

Whilst respecting the elected Political Party's mandate to govern, I have not hesitated to  express my differences in policies with both DPT and PDP Governments. And by fluke of providence, policies did get amended as in Tobacco Law which I initially termed  as " draconian " and Government approach towards  China ( I advocated end of subjugation by India)  during DPT Government. Under PDP Government, I was for delaying the process of Thromdes and Yenla Thromdes and approached the PM, the Speaker, the NC Chairperson and the Opposition Leader.  I also kept hammering on the need to soften the PDP  hardline China policy. Providence intervened and inadvisable policy of rapid urbanisation of rural society was put on hold. And for whatever reasons,  in the last leg of PDP rule, the government did soften its approach towards China.  I failed in efforts to save the construction of the Southern Bhutan Highway during PDP governance but I know Southern East- West  Highway is the heart vision of all Bhutanese except few amongst us who mistakenly  feel kinship with Indian conscience and objectivity. 

Frankly I  cannot imagine a truely sovereign Bhutan without the highway in the South and rapproachment with China in the North. What kind of a sovereign land is it that which has no road of its own to travel from West of the country to the East of the Country? What kind of sovereign land is it that which cannot cannot on its own exercise the right to establish full and friendly ties with its immediate neighbour? What kind of political leadership does a population of a sovereign state look for to lead the nation if not to foremost protect and promote the sovereign dignity and freedom of citizenship of a sovereign Kingdom?

It is possible to keep existing peacefully as at present under the thumb of India. As Ambassador Shiv Shankar Mukherjee said on Rajya Sabha TV, " the Bhutanese are comfortable being in such a position ".  That remark is similar to the one many Bhutanese elite families made when HM King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck commanded that the serf population be freed and resettled in different parts of the country  away from their traditional masters. The serfs are quite comfortable being looked after by their masters, why is the King bothering about the welfare of the serfs they grumbled. Even many serf families shared similar sentiment.   21st century Bhutan still has remnants of such sentiment filling the lazy hearts of few leaders and followers who cherish basking in the generosity  of India and hold on to present absolute India dependency.  Though we have in name a King and Kingdom, Bhutan is in all essence looked down upon as a princely state of India. Thats why Indian Army freely   marched into Doklam June, 2017 to secure her security interest claiming India was protecting her protectorate " Bhutan ".  And so many nations including Japan the second largest development Partner of Bhutan supported India's right to march into Doklam which is a disputed land between China and Bhutan. India has no claim of her own upon Doklam. Thats why at times  you come across Indian media or some personalities refer to our King as His Highness the Maharaja of Bhutan. Is this what Bhutanese really desire to continue to hang on?      

By the way, my rapproachment desire with China began as far back as 1971 as a high school senior when HM King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck granted the first audience to students of Ugyen Wangchuck Academy at Paro. I submitted, " Your Majesty, does it pay in the long term interest of Bhutan to adopt an antagonistic national  attitude towards China ? Why have our Army only guarding the northern border and not the Southern border? "

I am from the Valley of Haa which is protected  by the Deities GyoenTsebarme,  Miri-Phuensum and Ap Chhundu.  And I am probably one of the first youngster who was subjected to the acute agony of India- China hegemony tussle over Sino- Bhutan international boundary. No Bhutanese young or old should  ever have to go  through such frustratingly helplessness state.

I value and respect  both India and China but I just prefer and love Bhutan best. Therefore,  I am for good relationships with India and China. Ofcourse I am grateful to India for all development assistances in the last 60 or so years. I am myself a receipant  of India granted scholatship in junior schooling.   But as a citizen of sovereign Kingdom, I am also resentful with India for cocooning Bhutan as hers alone fiefdom. This imbalanced and highly India lopsided  status of 50 years of Bhutan- India political relationship is unacceptable. Must undergo reasonable and respectable changes. Get rid of Master- Serf status quo. Be the closest and  friendliest neighbours in true sense.   

I am a Bhutanese and subject of my King. I shall always respect the Constitution adopted in the sacred hall of Lord Buddha in Tashichhodzong by the Wangchuck Kings and elected Representatives of all the 20 Dzongkhags and 47 constituencies.    I am bonded to this solemn duty and responsibility by the King, the People and the Dharma. This is the reason why I raise my voice for a sovereign united nation as enshrined in the constitution. Free from outside domination and free from internal discrimination. May all Bhutanese find the reserve of strength to cherish and promote our own nationhood  before all other nations and over and above our other personal prejudices and affections.

PS.  Today is my birthday. And this is my tribute, dedication and pray to the Deities of Palden Drukpa in  celebration of  the fortune of being born in this heaven on earth beautiful Kingdom.


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