Friday, February 20, 2015

Druk Star Gem

The Contestant from the Southern region Robina Biswa was beginning to capture the imagination of many viewers. Unfortunately she exited in a flicker of time span. Thus the awe and excitement fluttered by the young beauty originating from the womb of Southern Bhutan evaporated on the night the 2015  Valentine Day. Maybe her Valentine awaits at a different time upon another stage of the world. Good Luck inspiring young soul ! Smile Ro- bi- na !

It was first HemRaj who captured my admiration and then  after quite a break in time, this young Singer again of Southern foothills comes along and fills the Druk Star stage with heart throbbing melodious pose and style. There are other Contestants also who are  equally able. But part of the enchantment with Robina was her contrasting root wherein extra effort is demanded for such diverse cultural artistry skills. She  is now out of the contest though like all other contestants, the experience would have substantially enriched her.

This girl had the quality of being among the Druk Star Finalists.  Looked good, sang well. And impressively articulate ! Her demeanour conveyed sincere upbringing and she possessed brimming confidence perhaps from good schooling. A smart promising youth deserving regards and congratulations to all who participated in her development.

An  amusing part of her participation was that for whatever reasons, the judges and the stage managers just could not pronounce her name, ' Robina Biswa ' with confidence. In a way this stumbling block illustrated more than any words, the charming excellence of this Southern Twinkle with an accomplished northern melodious wand.

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