Wednesday, August 19, 2015

On porno clips and hilarious social satires:

Main stream media can have an effective impact in promoting healthy tolerance to otherwise hurriedly tarred and feathered social aspects of copulation activities and social satires. It is not possible to eradicate sex happenings and social jibes from the web of a human society. Sexual excitements and social jokes even black humour are natural part of a virile and diverse social cohesive fabric.  Accept that life has many ingredients otherwise how could life be interesting ,treasured and problematic at the same time. And also accept that communities are crookedly bonded otherwise it would be devoid of crowd and diverse flavour.

Black mailing with sex video clips taken unaware or forced upon sex partners and child pornos must be immediately and harshly dealt with and adequately penalised.

Regarding other types of pornography, what's in a name or nationality when adult pornography is all over the social network. Just because the participants/players are Bhutanese, there need not be extra alarm. Police have so many other priorities to prevent or handle more harmful social and economic threats and crimes such as reckless drunk drivings, drug problems, domestic violence, thefts, embezzlements, rapes and murders.  And in any case, moral policing is categorised as socially unhealthy in many parts of the democratic world that recognise certain parameter of human rights and social behaviours.

Very often there are loud cries of indignation when adult bed room activities are shared in social network. The complainants are not the affected victims and could be of characters less than puritanical in their personal deeds and thoughts. Such complainants are seldom the image in private that they purport to publicly convey. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise caution before law enforcement agencies respond to exaggerated prudish views.

Social satires that are making the rounds recently ( if it is about daughter of Haa and son of East ) are more hilarious than hurting. I thought it brought people closer. Many shared these simply out of good laugh and hilarity of it all. It is time that the society wake up to reality. Goodness and evilness exist among all races, religion and regions.  Did Ulab Leki cause social disharmony when he imitated a lhotsampa farmer or Phurba Thinley jokes on Haaps ?

There are few holier than thou publicity seeking individuals who campaign in the name of harsher penalties and more restrictive social laws.  Little do they care about democracy and tolerance for diverse human nature. The Government need to take a cautious approach to signature campaigns. Today it may be about some moralistic social issues and tomorrow it could be some political issues. I personally suspect that repressive motives drive educated and influential public figures to seek more restrictive laws and heavier penalties against social behaviours.

What could be more damaging than adult pornography and social tease satires may be political and religious sentiments expressed by regional groups or individuals. Even there I would not advocate dictatorial approaches. These regional or group protective sentiments need to be dealt with cautious attention and democratic value maturity. Thankfully such narrow social attitudes are few and seldom in Bhutan.

Promoting and developing self respect for existing laws are more conducive to society at large than blind search for iron clad fisted Iaws.  I am relieved that the Chief of Bhutan Police expresses such a noble concept in calling upon all to respect the laws already in place.

There are adequate laws and penalties regarding  issues of drug abuse, pornography, domestic abuses and violence, tobacco usage or reckless motorists. More hefty financial fines and prison terms do not eradicate social ills. What is lacking is deeper respect for laws already in place and regard for the security and sensitivity of the other person. There is a huge vacuum in national endeavour in promoting essential social values with necessary tolerance and sense for general everyday kind of civic responsibilities. And these gaps need to be bridged gradually with intelligent approach not with hammer and sickle methods.


  1. what baffled me most was, uncle chief wants to evoke National Security Act (check bbs) to punish those distributing pornography!! specifically, we wants to use section concerning "civil unrest"....though i am not from legal background, i find it very weird interpretation of will be like misusing NSA! Today, they will use for this issue and tomorrow it will be for other political issues to supress people....Since u ve some legal knowledge, probably u can shed some light on this issue...i maybe wrong as well!...Having said that, in no way i condone distribution of such clips! But yes it should neither be an excuse to enact or enforce draconian laws!

    1. From what I can recollect it is possible that the Chief was referring to some social satire that upside down mentality have taken offence as racial or regional mockery. It need not necessarily be authentic personal view of the Chief. He may simply be in his official position reflecting the dark mood at some quarters.
      We are a fragile society when it comes the freedom of diverse expression of thoughts and theories. Apart from two short lived uprisings from the South , Bhutan and Bhutanese leaderships have not faced social or civil unrest of any grave significance. It is possible that we may not even recognise the true nature of civil unrest. Presently it is a kind of simpleton concept. Deviation in attire and established ancient social disciplines and poking fun at regional behaviours are construed as factors to possible social and civil unrest. Thats just missing the larger picture. But the nation will gradually outgrow such narrow primitive thinkings.

  2. Cannot agree with you more la.. You hit the point.. Esp "the happ sharchop paro jokes..It looks media and police are running out of issues to cover..
