Friday, May 8, 2015

The Face and Will of anti corruption in the person of Dasho Neten Zangmo at BBS Interview on the evening of 7th May,2015

A high noon drama ! No !  It was a real live high noon charged crusade against entrenched corruption within governance system in Bhutan.

Here are my summation in  black and white of the gist  of her stand. Difficult to write exact quote because it was a mixture of two language interview and typical to her character sentences are left incomplete or supplemented with physical nuances. But meanings were adequately clear. I stand to be corrected by Dasho herself or BBS Interviewer.

1. On National Corruption Level:

Corruption is deeply and widely entrenched within the national system inside and outside Government. It is not an isolated cases of here and there  corruption. Corruption has become part of national trait of doing things.

2. On 107th National Day Address on Corruption.

If the national leaderships truly believed that corruption is corruption and corruption impedes gross national goodness development then demonstrate that belief through Deed. Support ACC and support independence of ACC and facilitate the task of ACC in fighting Corruption. ACC may head the campaign against corruption but everyone Agency must chip in.

3. On the Voices that describe ACC Investigation of corrupt Practices and Rupee Laundering System at Phuentsholing Revenue and Custom Office as causing disharmony in Indo -Bhutan Relationship:

Those are hypocritic Voices of influential people whose personal interests are hurt by ACC investigations.  She compared such false national concerns by those very Voices that undermine the goodness and ultimate healthy sovereignty of Bhutan like a driver who drives a vehicle with, ' I Love Bhutan Sticker '  in front wind shield and loaded behind in the luggage area with smuggled goods either contraband or undeclared taxable goods.

( I think the elite would have got her point even more poignantly if she had chosen the Bhutanese proverb ," Kha Goroom Chhu Nhi Lachu Jha ". It literally means Kiss the Lips and Stab the Heart. )

4. On the Definition of ACC Constitutional Role.

The top leadership of the Nation must accord a clear cut directive of the exact role that they want ACC to perform. Do the leadership want ACC to fulfill the constitution laid down responsibilities in full or just partially ? Should ACC only concentrate in promoting the prevention of corruption through soft approaches like workshop type preaching or also go for hard core task of tackling corruption through investigation and legal action against corruption ? The national Leaders must make up their minds on corruption. ACC is prepared to perform if clearly directed. Only do not expect ACC to battle with the choice of weapon made by others and still win the battle. That is no go!

5. On cost of ACC investigation.

The national conscience must decide and weigh the actual monetary cost of investigation versus the consequence of a continued entrenched corruption in the national system. Should the illness be allowed to go untreated to cause death or invest in the medication ? The national leadership must decide. And decide now.

I have one personal view to share with ACC ChairPerson regarding her contention that the employees of the Commission must be adequately compensated in monetary terms. She says ACC need that financial power. And then she goes on to relate how she requires the employees to pool into one car whist going on tour even though by established financial rule each individual is entitled to use his or her car at certain grade level.

I understand her morality stand but her management philosophy is flawed. Denying to employees what is eligible under financial rules and then demanding additional financial power for supposed benefit of employees just does not tally sensibly. More need to be highlighted but not on public forum especially along this Anti Corruption Stand so well articulated by the Head of Anti Corruption Commission.

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